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PKR wants cops to probe Najib's supporters, urges ex-PM to apologise

PKR communications chief Fahmi Fadzil has condemned the behaviour of former premier Najib Abdul Razak's supporters who roughed up a group of Universiti Malaya students this afternoon.

The Lembah Pantai MP also called on the authorities to investigate the incident and take the necessary action against those involved.

“Although there might be differences in views and ideologies, there is no need to react in a rough manner or act outside the boundaries of the law,” he added in a statement.

Fahmi said that he plans to meet with the student who was manhandled as well as the university's student representative council tomorrow. 

In a separate statement, PKR Youth urged Najib to apologise to the students.

The wing's communications director Wong Chun Yuan said the former premier's supporters behaved like thugs and had no respect for freedom of expression.

“As a politician, I feel embarrassed by this incident. Umno supporters must feel embarrassed by what happened today,” he added, citing Najib's "Malu apa Bossku" campaign.

Wong said although Umno was defeated in the last general election, the Pakatan Harapan government had allowed the party the freedom to express itself.

“However, Umno has not learned from its past mistakes and continues to stifle freedom of expression.

“I urge Najib to apologise to the youths involved in the incident and an investigation must be carried out against the perpetrators,” he added.

Some six students had taken part in the protest, armed with placards, which read: "Arrest Najib", "Najib is shameless", "Return the people's money" and "Where is RM2.6 billion?"

Universiti Malaya Association of New Youth (Umany) president Wong Yan Ke meanwhile held up a clown-face caricature of Najib.

Umno supreme council member Lokman Noor Adam had snatched the 'clown-faced' cutout from Wong and tore it.

Subsequently, another supporter grabbed the student, who was carrying the cutout, in a reverse chokehold and attempted to pull him over the railing which separated the pavement from the road.

However, other supporters, including Lokman, intervened and stopped him.

Lokman told reporters later that he was provoked because they had used his "boss" Najib's image.

Najib expressed regret on the scuffles, but said the students should not have caused provocation.