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Yoursay: Will Streram’s humanitarian work help him win Rantau?

YOURSAY | ‘Umno will likely win, a trend that will continue until Harapan awakes from its slumber.’

'I didn't have the heart to replace Streram due to his humanitarian work'

The Wakandan: Well, if it is true that Pakatan Harapan’s candidate for the Rantau by-election, Dr S Streram, went to Afghanistan and Syria, putting himself in danger in order to help those who were hurt by the strife and war there, this doctor must be one heck of a man, a good man. How many of us would do that? 

That should be high on his résumé for the candidacy in this by-election. He deserves to represent Rantau, as his compassion is for everyone, regardless of their race and religion. He’s a good pick by PKR president Anwar Ibrahim.

Jehangir: I support Streram’s candidacy. I think that is the quality of Streram that should be emphasised and which he should brand himself with during the by-election – his humanitarian work and service. That is the way to get around the obsession with race and religion.

How come all these good qualities of Streram were not emphasised before? I hope PKR and Anwar will show the right way and blaze a trail for truly Malaysian politics. Anwar is on the right path.

Anonymous_1543386425: Anwar, you have shown yourself to be a leader. Now convey that message to the Malays. Just get 40 percent of the Malay vote, whilst DAP and minister P Waythamoorthy ensure a high turnout of the non-Malays, and Streram will be home free.

This will be a victory for Malaysians and New Malaysia, where a non-Malay can still win in a Malay-majority seat.

Clever Voter: Despite all his efforts, Streram is unlikely to deliver results to PKR. The Harapan coalition has not yet delivered what they promised. But local elections demand that grassroots matter. The establishment will be hard-pressed to defend its records.

This is the election that Umno will likely win, a trend that will continue until the Harapan government wakes up from its slumber to start moving the things they promised almost a year ago.

Ipoh PP: Indeed, with all the twists and turns that Harapan has been performing, I doubt many will vote for its candidate.

Harapan needs to be taught another lesson here in Rantau, especially with regard to not carrying out many of its promises. I hope they lose. So, voters, please teach them a good hard lesson.

Cogito Ergo Sum: I am not sure what Anwar is driving at. According to this quote, despite Streram being an Indian and a Hindu, he was maintained as Harapan's Rantau candidate because he did humanitarian work in Muslim nations?

I thought Streram was chosen because he was a suitable candidate to serve the people. This kind of thinking and statement has already sealed Streram’s fate.

Why would any Malay vote for a non-Malay after all the race-baiting that has continued unabated and without any statements to counter the Umno/PAS drivel?

And now this by Anwar. Harapan, you have lost it.

Roger 5201: Whilst Streram's Doctors without Borders stint is commendable, how is doing humanitarian work for Muslims in Afghanistan a reason to propose him for Rantau?

How about his services for the poor and needy in Malaysia, regardless of race, religion or creed, integrity, compassion for the less fortunate in our society, and passion to serve the nation? Come on, PKR, you are better than this.

No Nonsence: Again, it’s race and religion. When will we ever change? Many of us, like Streram, provided service in remote areas where the people were predominantly Malays.

We did it not because of any racial or religious considerations, but out of love for humanity and fellow citizens who were poor and neglected.

It is sad that the younger generation has conveniently forgotten the sacrifices and contributions of their elders that transcended race and religion.

Mission Accomplished: All critics have been missing one important point, that is: "Is Streram a suitable and qualified candidate?"

Yes, I think so. Forget his race and religion. He showed more hunger and has made sacrifices, even being badly humiliated to earn his spot.

Come on folks, give him a chance. Do not forget to look in the mirror if one wishes to speak ill of him.

Jonah 2: Anwar knows Streram will lose. His best chance was probably in GE14. The situation now is dire because the new government is hopeless at managing the economy.

Using the trillion-ringgit debt as a chronic excuse to remove money from the market can only come from the likes of Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng and his special officer, Tony Pua.

You must create development, jobs, etc. There must be projects. This is the key issue now. And Streram will have to end up being a lamb to the slaughter as he will have no answers.

These are kampung folk. Harapan has banned smoking and even closed down a hospital with jobs lost in Negeri Sembilan. And Anwar himself has shown no positive economic contribution to Port Dickson.

These are bread-and-butter issues. The rakyat are in an unforgiving mood. And the fault is not Streram's. The fault lies with PKR deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali, advisory council chairperson Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and Anwar. The economy is dead.

And, after winning the Cameron Highlands and Semenyih by-elections, BN is waiting to hammer home this point in Rantau.

Idiocracy: This means Anwar knows Streram does not seem to be a winnable candidate based on ground support and unlikely to win.

There were intentions to replace Streram, but Anwar went ahead to nominate him based on humanitarian grounds, showcasing a Hindu who went the extra mile to help Muslims in Afghanistan and Syria.

This could alleviate some lingering tensions over the death of Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim. Will this soften the Malays and Muslims? Can the grassroots see this?

Anwar and his sidekick Rafizi Ramli may be more idealistic in their strategies but the grassroots mentality is more attuned to Azmin’s brick-and-mortar politics of race, religion, dollar and cents.

Umno (race, corruption, cash) + PAS (religion) is the winning formula for the kind of culture in Malaysia, built from our education system since our education minister’s 'reform' by a certain racist who got kicked out by then-prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman, but brought back to life by former premier Najib Abdul Razak’s dad to become senator and education minister in 1974.

This certain education minister took out MCE (Malaysian Certificate of Education), HSE (Higher School Certificate Cambridge) and English as the main medium in schools, created quotas and screwed with our culture. He went on to become prime minister for 22 years.

Getting Mahathir to helm the country at 93 with outdated ideologies and cultural philosophy is the single most evident testimony of Malaysia’s idiocracy. 

We need real reformists who have visions of a united Malaysia, and it is definitely not Mahathir.

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