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Yoursay: AG is right to nip hate messages in the bud

YOURSAY | ‘The police should not wait for someone to make a report.’

'Vicious lies' – AG rues anti-Islam allegation, police report lodged

Roger 5201: Racism, slander and bigotry are just as serious as kleptocracy, corruption and lies.

It is right that attorney-general Tommy Thomas takes a serious view of this. The police should act on this matter, which has been routinely exploited by Umno and the likes of BN secretary-general Nazri Abdul Aziz for reasons best known to themselves – perhaps because they believe supremacy is a divine right granted to their race which cannot be questioned by infidels.

This cannot be seen as merely a personal attack on Thomas, but an attack on the Attorney-General’s Chambers, so it is appropriate for the police to act.

Newday: It is a great shame to Malaysia that it has come down to our own AG having to lodge a police report.

The perpetrators of these vicious ‘anti-Islam’ attacks are doing far more harm to Islam in Malaysia than our AG ever could.

PAS started this, Umno goons (including Nazri, former premier Najib Abdul Razak and other senior members) have kept it going and totally unfounded attacks have been made.

They will say anything to heat up the flame of anger among many Malays who do not try to inform themselves as to whether there is any truth to this.

Rule number one of product promotion is to blitz constantly. Umno and PAS understand this all too well. If you state something often enough, it must be true.

Look at the anger these two parties have generated over firefighter Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim's death even before an inquest was held.

The flame of lies and deceit has spread far and wide. The more informed among us, who can make up our own minds, know that Thomas is not anti-Islam.

These truth manipulators must be brought to account sooner rather than later. If it continues unchecked, will we be in a state of civil disruption including riots and violent demonstrations?

The incitement from PAS and Umno so far indicates that they are more than willing to get to this stage. So much for the rule of law and the concept of not lying if you are bound by your faith.

They are all hypocrites and liars.

Quigonbond: I think the AG is doing it right. But you don't have to defend yourself against spurious claims of being anti-Malay/Islam all the time.

Let these extremists become more and more emboldened, and then you net them all in. There has to be a price to pay for instigating and inciting. Otherwise, there will be anarchy.

BN behaves like an eggshell when it comes to race and religion – deliberately hypersensitive and easily bruised/threatened. Harapan should behave like a stone, as it should be.

Pro-Justice: The police should not wait for someone to make a report. They should act immediately without favour or prejudice.

Nip it in the bud. Don't wait until all and sundry have posted enough of their racial and religious hate messages.

Ravinder: Hopefully the police do not come up with a finding of "misunderstanding" as it did in the case of the attack on a minister.

Muslim lawyers say AG unbiased, 'country needs him'

Harry L Ishmael: I fully agree that we need laws to govern against hate speech and racism, which are so predominant in this country having been allowed to go on unchecked for far too long.

Comments by both former Malaysian Bar president Sulaiman Abdullah and lawyer Fahda Nur Ahmad Kamar give me at least a look at a more tolerant Islam – something missing terribly these days, given the speeches and action of prominent Muslim politicians and some preachers, not only in Malaysia but globally too.

Esviel: It’s about time the true followers of the faith came out to condemn those polit-ulamaks. Most polit-ulamaks were largely silent when the country’s coffers were being raided.

In fact, many wanted a hand in the pie and when caught red-handed, claimed that it was syariah-compliant.

Sulaiman, in contrast, is an exemplary Muslim, and I applaud him for stating his views about the AG.

We have had enough of politicians messing up the minds of people to attain and remain in power.

Don't these people have a conscience?

MalaysianMalaysian: Kudos to these two lawyers for speaking up for the truth. It’s sad to say that Malaysia has stooped to such a low as a society that this even needed to be defended.

Other countries are making discoveries and economic inroads while we Malaysians are buying our national narrative with non-issues like this.

We are so busy 'shooting each other in the knees' that when we are done, I'm not sure who can stand up for the country.

Khafir_Pendatang: The fact that Muslim lawyers have to defend a non-Muslim AG and talk about how he was "brought up well" and "goes to church" (as if they were defending a small boy) speaks volumes about the world Malaysians live in.

Many praise these two Muslim lawyers for their words. But the fact that they had to espouse basic common sense is depressing. It’s like praising a police officer for saying crime is wrong.

Is this what Malaysia has become? A nation so accustomed to stupidity as the norm that when it sees the occasional ray of basic rationality it is considered as something deserving of high praise?

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