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Yoursay: Loke should’ve declined invitation for wife to attend China talks

YOURSAY | ‘The minister should adhere to best practices and set strict standards for himself.’

Loke: Chinese minister invited my wife, what's MCA's problem?

TCM: I agree that, on the one hand, it means Transport Minister Anthony Loke’s wife Ng Chi Ling is not tagging along just to splurge on shopping, but on the other hand, it seems awkward for her to be at the official meeting. In an official dinner, yes, but a meeting is pushing it.

Be more alert towards potential controversy, Mr and Mrs Loke. We hold all of you to higher standards.

Loke has been doing a good job thus far; there was a small misstep here which requires a quick apology, after which we should move on.

The ideal spouse of a minister that I have seen so far is Dr Siti Hasmah Ali. She never overshadows Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, but plays the role of a minister’s spouse elegantly and correctly.

Would Siti Hasmah sit in an official meeting? (I am not talking about dignitaries’ visits, but official working meetings.)

Sivadass: Dear New Malaysia transport minister, we the rakyat voted for a new government to govern this country professionally and truthfully.

If you claim MCA is taking cheap shots for publicity, it is because you let your guard down and allow them to take these shots.

The last time we checked, we voted for you, not your spouse or anyone else. Your spouse has no standing to be in the vicinity of the meeting venue, let alone in the meeting proper.

Your Chinese counterpart was gracious enough to invite your spouse to the meeting out of courtesy. The right thing for you to do is to politely decline, instead of allowing her in.

Caripasal: This should serve as a lesson to all our rookie ministers. No protocol is required to tell you that an outsider is not allowed to participate in a bilateral talk.

Loke’s wife is an outsider, as she does not hold any official position in the government. Can a company CEO bring his wife for a company meeting?

Loke should just admit the mistake and move on.

Roger 5201: But if Ng was there on invitation from the Chinese minister and she can facilitate a conversation in Mandarin while playing a positive role in improving relations with China, what is so wrong with that?

Seriously, what is MCA's problem?

Quigonbond: MCA is clearly raising this issue as an obvious comparison to how former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak’s wife Rosmah Mansor attended official meetings under BN government in the past.

I’m not sure Loke gets it. It's about official secrets being shared.

And look at it this way. Rosmah also claims people respected her and therefore invited her to meetings, so was she wrong to attend?

Therefore, the principle is about who is accountable, who is responsible, and who is the official representative. It has nothing to do with being invited or otherwise.

Loke has been doing a fantastic job as transport minister. If there has been a breach of protocol, it is best if he just apologises for it and promises never to repeat the same mistake. It will not dent his reputation.

Loke's wife is probably nowhere near as influential as Rosmah, but Pakatan Harapan must show it is above board.

Falcon: Loke, wrong answer - not after the hue and cry over the former first lady.

Even so, an experienced politician like you, from the opposition ranks, who, thanks to the 14th general election, became the coalition to form the new government, should have politely refused, citing protocol and knowing that political enemies in Malaysia will raise this matter.

However you look at it, Loke, it was inappropriate and you know it. Apologise and let’s move on.

Ipadder: No to spouses in official meetings. Adhere to best practices. Do not give in to shoddy practices in other jurisdictions. Set strict standards for yourself.

It does not matter that the Chinese minister invited her to attend the meeting, you should not have accepted. Confidential government matters were being discussed.

Disappointed with Harapan, 52 activists back PSM candidate

Drngsc: Thanks, lawyer Haris Ibrahim. You are right. Harapan has failed to see through their promises. They have U-turned significantly.

The people must teach them a lesson. Vote PSM for a new Malaysia. That old man must be taught a lesson, again. He has not learned from Cameron Highlands.

Cogito Ergo Sum: I hope the people choose PSM. It’s time that Umno-PAS be put out of its misery and Harapan gets a wake-up call.

Even if Harapan is doing things right, nobody knows what’s happening. This is because it has a very poor communications strategy.

Anonymous 770241447347646: The problem is that a reality check is needed. Do any of these NGOs stay in Semenyih?

The state is in the hands of Harapan. The administration responsible for running the state is also controlled by Harapan.

After the election, the activists will go back to where they belong. It is the residents that will have to face the consequences of any problem in their area.

It would be easier for a Harapan candidate to get things solved, rather than an independent candidate.

Bluma: These 52 highly educated activists should give the Harapan government a chance. Just give your input to the government and let the Harapan ministers consider and decide.

The damage done to our country for a period lasting 60 years cannot be fixed within a short period, so give the Harapan government more time, at the very least a term or two.

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