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'That's politics' - Nik Abduh defends PAS-DAP rivalry

The political landscape in the country has long been witness to the rivalry between DAP and PAS. 

Drastically differing ideologies – one based on liberal ideals and the other on conservative Islamic principles – have often seen the two parties at loggerheads, and contributed to the split of the Pakatan Rakyat alliance in 2015.

According to PAS central committee member Nik Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz, however, the friction between the two is due to nothing more than healthy political rivalry, as enshrined within a democratic framework that "must be preserved."

"They (people) ask, why take such a hard (keras) stance against DAP? I answer, look at DAP, why do they take a hard stance against PAS?

"There is no issue. It is still within the framework of democracy, freedom and healthy competition. It is not a physical clash, not hostilities. It is the tussle to control the minds of the people," he said in a Facebook post yesterday.

"DAP is a ideology-based party just like PAS. Here (PAS) Islam, there, liberal... PAS' politics is based on religious obligations. DAP is against religion-based politics.

"It is the nature of politics and rule," he added.

'No hatred' 

The son of the late PAS spiritual adviser Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat further denied that racism was a factor.

"Racism is not a religious teaching. There is no cruelty ... there is no hatred among people and society. Those are not from Islamic teachings.

"Malays are different, PAS is different. Chinese are different, DAP is different. This is not a clash of race, language or colour. It is a clash of thinking and political direction."

Nik Abduh took the opportunity for a subtle dig at DAP, however, telling his Facebook followers that the Pakatan Harapan component party wished for Muslims to "abandon" their faith.

"It (political differences) is an invitation to accept Allah, or abandon Him, as DAP desires for Muslims."

DAP and PAS had worked together under Barisan Alternatif in 1999 until 2001, and later in Pakatan from 2008 to 2015. The Pakatan bloc fell apart amid differences over the hudud issue.

PAS splinter party Amanah later joined Pakatan Harapan, along with DAP.