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This article is 9 years old

The price of telling the truth for Najib

YOURSAY ‘Telling the truth is simple and easy for those with nothing to hide.’


Ambiga gives PM free advice: Just tell the truth


Wg321: It is easy for advertising guru Lim Kok Wing to sell the Nelson Mandela brand because it is a good brand. In fact the Mandela brand does not need any advertisement, much like the Chinese Xiaomi handphone because it is of extremely good quality.


In this Internet Age and social media, everybody knows that the Najib brand is defective because Najib and Umno are synonymous with rampant corruption, cronyism, kleptocracy, huge wastage and leakages of our resources, massive national debts of at least RM750 billion (GLC debts included), lavish spending like there is no tomorrow, poor governance, ‘I help you, you help me type of corruption’, practise the ideology that ‘cash is king’, etc.


Onyourtoes: This is the problem with this country - they think truth and reality do not matter. Everything can be manipulated.


Hello, grow up, public relations, image building and communications can only do “so much”, beyond which substance and truth must prevail. 


We can’t continue living with a fake image. We can’t camouflage the rotten and the ugly with fragrances and makeup.


This country is not run on slogans. Ultimately, it must be rooted in substance and reality. In fact, we should institute laws against publicists. They should be charged if they are involved in conspiracy to cheat and lie. 


Ferdtan: When the shit hit the fan, no matter who is employed as an advertising and public relation portfolio, it makes no difference. The smell cannot be removed as the fetid odour remains.


The only way which most housewives would rightly advised - throw away the offending materials that cause the problem. That is the only solution. Someone, or a group of them, must go.


Drngsc: Telling the truth is simple and easy for those with nothing to hide. But for people who cheat, steal, embezzle, wheel and deal, and even implicated in murder, telling the truth comes with a heavy price.


Will Najib pay that price? Of course not.


I Wonder?: For a leader widely known, even to juveniles in Malaysia, as a Flip-Flop King, how does anyone expect to trust him?


Indeed, it is simple for Malaysians to find the truth of his claims. Whenever the Flip-Flop King denies, it means he is admitting it.

Justine Gow: If the leader were in a rotten state, even the legendary advisor Zhuge Liang during the period of the ‘Three Kingdoms’ in Chinese history would be of little help.


Mushiro: Paid advisers, especially on public relations, can only improve his image to a certain extent.


The damage to Najib's image is really bad. This include Altantuya Shaarribuu, Scorpene submarines, family jet-setting and extravagance, Good and Services Tax (GST), 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) and a long list of money-wasting projects.


When even his brothers keep a distance from him, how can anyone else help?   


Straight-Talk: Even the LimKokWing University of Creative Technology cannot alter the image of the PM now that widespread knowledge of his shady dealings are an open secret among cabinet members and the rakyat. What more to cover up?


Sappu: Former Bar Council chairperson S Ambiga, are you crazy? Telling the truth is infinitely more lethal than lying. It would spell instant end to Umno. The PM is not stupid, you know.


Pemerhati: If Najib were truthful, he would tell Ambiga, “Ambiga, frankly do you think I would be the prime minister today if I had told the truth about Altantuya?


“To be successful in life you should know when to tell the truth and when to lie, even if you have to use the Quran to do so.”



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Lee Hup: Najib must not be scared of speaking out or replying to the many allegations against the government.


Malaysians need to see that the nation has a strong prime minister and not linked to what the opposition plus some of those in Umno have alleged. And the first thing that Najib can do is to show the country that he is in charge.  


Game Over: You expect Najib to be the perfect leader? You are wrong, because nobody is perfect. But don’t expect any leader from opposition to have half the goodness of Najib.


They can't even show their own capability in helping the people. What they can do is just tarnish the good name of any leader leading the government of the day.


Cantabrigian: Umno vice-president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was a witness throughout the whole session in Janda Baik and he is calling for an investigation on how the video got leaked?


What game are you playing, Zahid? Trying to stab Najib from behind while pretending to support him? Zahid is a direct beneficiary if Muhyiddin steps up as PM.

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