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LETTER | Compelling journos to reveal sources thwarts democratic processes

LETTER | Gerakan Media Merdeka and the National Union of Journalists Malaysia raised a pertinent point on the need to safeguard the confidentiality of journalists’ sources.

Considering that Pakatan Harapan came into power twice on exhortations to protect press freedoms, it is important that the government contributes towards the media corps upholding integrity in journalism for the broader interest of the public.

The Malaysian Journalist Code of Ethics stresses the critical need to protect sources, a principle that ensures the media can effectively serve as a check on power and a voice for all sectors of society.

However, certain episodes in recent days suggest a troubling shift away from the promises Harapan bandied on while sacrificing democratic principles and press freedoms.

Cases in point include the police probing Malaysiakini, Malaysia plummeting 37 notches in the World Press Freedom Index to the 107th spot from the 73rd last year and mandating licensing for social media platforms with more than eight million registered users.

This raises serious concerns about the trajectory of the Madani government.

We urge the government to reaffirm its dedication to democratic values by safeguarding journalistic independence and respecting the confidentiality of sources.

Being a channel of communication for various levels in society relies on the protection of their sources. Once these safeguards are lost, journalists may lose their capacity as the fourth estate to report on public interest issues, thereby undermining democratic processes, and transparency and holding those in power accountable.

Deterrent to whistleblowers

Compromising journalistic confidentiality not only contradicts the values of openness and freedom but also risks reinforcing draconian practices that stifle independent reporting.

This shift away from democratic norms calls into question the government’s commitment to the very principles it purports to uphold.

Revealing sources can deter whistleblowers and informants from coming forward with critical information as they fear retaliation or exposure. Trust deficit issues hinder the media’s ability to perform its role effectively.

The fear of exposure may result in self-censorship and less investigative reporting whilst scrutiny of powerful institutions shrinks - impacting the overall quality and independence of journalism while power abuse could persist and snowball.

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