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LETTER | Diesel price increase must not breed corrupt profiteering

LETTER | As Finance Minister II Amir Hamzah Azizan announced, diesel prices at the pump in Peninsular Malaysia will be floated and retail at RM3.35 per litre starting midnight on Monday, June 10.

Patriot reminds the business sector not to succumb to corrupt temptations in view of this sudden jump in the cost of diesel.

As has often been the practice in past decades, the private sector would never fail a second to increase the price of goods the moment the government announces or implements a fuel price increase.

Passing the increased costs to consumers is an unpatriotic stance and must cease.

Further, in the wake of the price increase and floating of diesel now, certainly some (if not many) business operators will not wink an eye to hoard fuel before the price-increase announcement.

Patriot reminds such thieves and those in cohorts that betraying the nation in their quest for greedy, easy profits at the expense of consumers is an unforgivable tyranny against our beloved nation.

Patriot strongly recommends that enforcement must be very vigilant. There should be no room for corruption including law enforcers conspiring with thieving diesel robber-merchants.

Patriot is also mindful of transport operators who may even attempt to cut their manpower operating costs by pressuring drivers to make more trips and even overload their lorries.

Hence the police, transport ministry and the anti-corruption agency must join hands to coordinate their limited resources to arrest the greedy profiteering by business operators.

While naysayers and opportunistic critics may cast aspersions on the floating of diesel, Patriot hopes we will all join hands to give this diesel re-pricing attempt to succeed by fighting corruption that is bound to root out of sheer greed.

ZARAZILAH MOHD ALI is Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan Malaysia president.

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