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LETTER | Preparing youths to lead change

LETTER | The world is at a crossroads. From climate change to social injustice, a multitude of challenges threaten our future.

While solutions seem elusive, there is a powerful force poised to drive positive change: youth. Often underestimated, the young generation possesses the energy, creativity, and vision to become the architects of a better tomorrow.

However, for this potential to be realised, we must embrace the mantle of leadership and actively engage in shaping the world we want to inherit.

The advantage of youth lies in several key attributes. Firstly, they are unburdened by tradition. Unlike previous generations, youths are less likely to be constrained by rigid societal norms or resistant to new ideas.

This adaptability allows youths to approach problems with fresh perspectives and challenge the status quo.

Secondly, youths are digital natives. Technology is ingrained in their DNA. They can leverage the power of social media, data analysis, and online collaboration to mobilise support for causes, raise awareness, and foster global connections.

This digital fluency also allows youths to bypass traditional gatekeepers and make their voices heard directly.

Thirdly, youths are the generation most impacted by the decisions made today. Climate change, economic inequalities, and technological disruptions will shape the course of their lives.

This inherent stake fuels their passion and urgency. They are not just fighting for an abstract future. They are fighting for a world where we can thrive.

Finally, youth brings with it an abundance of optimism. While acknowledging the gravity of challenges, they have not yet been jaded by cynicism. They believe in the possibility of a better world, and this unwavering optimism is a powerful force that can inspire collective action.

Real-world impact

So, how can we translate this potential into real-world impact? Some key areas where youth leadership can make a significant difference include championing sustainability, bridging the gap between social and economic justice, shaping the future of work, and fostering global collaboration.

In terms of sustainability, climate change is the defining challenge of our generation. Youth can lead the charge for a sustainable future by advocating for renewable energy, promoting eco-conscious practices, and holding corporations accountable for their environmental impact.

Youths can organise climate marches, support sustainable businesses, and use their digital prowess to raise awareness about environmental issues.

Another major concern is inequality. Young people can be vocal advocates for social justice, speaking out against discrimination and promoting inclusive policies.

From advocating for social equality to fighting for racial justice, youth can mobilise on behalf of marginalised communities. They can use technology to bridge the digital divide and create educational opportunities for all.

Furthermore, when we talk about future work, the job landscape is undergoing a rapid transformation. Youth can play a crucial role in preparing for this future by demanding education systems that equip students with the skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow, which include critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability.

We can advocate for science, technology, engineering and mathematics education, support initiatives that provide coding and digital literacy training, and push for policies that ensure a smooth transition for individuals displaced by automation.

Additionally, today’s problems are global in scale. Youth can serve as bridges between cultures and nations, promoting understanding and collaboration on a global scale.

We can participate in international exchange programmes, build partnerships with youth organisations across borders, and leverage online platforms to connect with young people from different backgrounds.

This fosters a sense of global citizenship and allows us to work together towards common goals.

Challenges and opportunities

Taking on the mantle of leadership is not an easy task. Youth often face hurdles like limited access to resources, scepticism from older generations, and a lack of established platforms for their voices to be heard.

These are challenges they must overcome. They need to actively seek mentorship from experienced individuals, build strong networks within our communities, and engage in respectful dialogue to bridge the generational gap.

The road ahead may be long, but the opportunities are immense. By harnessing their unique strengths, leveraging technology, and collaborating on a global scale, the youth can truly revolutionise the world. To the young generation, let us not wait for change to happen. Let us be the change.

This is a call to action for all young people. Our voices matter, our ideas hold weight, and our collective action can shape a brighter future. Let us rise to the occasion, embrace the responsibility, and become the leading force for positive change in the world.

The world needs us. Let us not disappoint.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.