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LETTER | Let's not instrumentalise the working class

LETTER | In an emerging economy like Malaysia there is a constant mantra among opinion makers that workers need to go through the process of skilling, reskilling and upskilling so that the percentage of skilled workers could be increased.

They reason that this would ultimately increase wages and help Malaysia become a developed country.

This type of reasoning, which is based on half-truths, reduces a worker to a performing instrument of an economic goal while ignoring the metaphysical dimension of workers who are human, spiritual, cultural and professional and require a proper context for growth.

It exerts the development of the worker, without spelling out the essential and empowering context that would enable workers to skill, reskill and upskill themselves.

Work in a deeper spiritual dimension begins with the dignity of the human person and an understanding that work is for the common good and part of building up and glorifying creation.

It does not, like most secular frameworks, begin with economic ideologies or an “economy first” worldview.

Of capitalism and labour

The process starts by creating the right context for the development of human capital where there is an upholding of freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.

Others that must be upheld are the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory the elimination of discrimination concerning employment and occupation.

Furthermore, the constant instrumentalisation of workers reinforces the divide between capitalism and labour.

This eclipses the fact that everyone is a worker, and solidarity between management and workers that would create the appropriate conditions for skilling, reskilling and upskilling is not emphasised.

It is a pity that in the Malaysian context, the term solidarity is seldom used because self-interest has caught up with the employers and unions as they continue to fight for their own interests rather than the common good that benefits the enterprise.

As we celebrate Labour Day today, let’s build a culture of solidarity.

The government should play a part in promoting the value of solidarity among employers, unions and employees as a whole.

This would help build the right context for the development of workers.

Let us not instrumentalise the workforce to a narrow economic goal.

Writer is the secretary for Association for Welfare, Community and Dialogue.

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