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LETTER | A worrying descent into disunity

LETTER | Recent events have unveiled a rather worrying trend, one that does not bode well for a plural society.

For the sake of harmony and social well-being, it is my sincere wish that we refrain from words and actions that will cause discord and suspicion among the various ethnic groups.

For whatever reason, the stake is too high and the damage to our social fabric is extremely serious and beyond imagination.

We have the Constitution and legal framework to ensure that laws are adhered to without fear or favour. We have the police to ensure that law enforcement is carried out.

And now we have social media to highlight any wrongdoing at the click of a button. Everyone wishes to live harmoniously and work hard towards ensuring a decent income. Times are hard and we should focus on helping our country improve its economic progress in our own little way.

Politicians’ role

Being elected to office, politicians should lead the way towards ensuring the nation’s welfare in every aspect. Fanning feelings of suspicion and discord should not be on their agenda in climbing the political ladder.

When any of the 3R issues - race, religion and royalty - is exploited, politicians should offer consoling words and action and at the same time, investigate the matter if they wish to know the actual cause.

The rest should be left to the police and other related agencies.

After more than two years of Covid, every nation around us is forging ahead towards economic recovery. Governments are still dishing out financial aid in various forms and Malaysia is no exception. Prices of goods have escalated, resulting in much-reduced spending power.

Many companies are still reeling from the effects of reduced demand and high overheads. Politicians should work together closely and contribute ways to help the country achieve a healthier balance sheet rather than opposing the government by being in the opposition.

True and sincere politicians should work together, regardless of the political divide. Similarly, the various races should work hand-in-hand towards greater harmony and common prosperity.

It is time to return to the good old post-Merdeka days when no element of suspicion existed. Politicians should shy away from viewing every issue through a racial or religious lens. Our laws are sufficiently adequate to deal with such wrongdoings.

Many other major issues need your input and contribution. I am sure that with 222 lawmakers, we have sufficient brains to debate and formulate constructive ideas and structures towards progress.

Good ideas on improving our education and health systems are seriously wanting, and these are critical areas that will enable our nation to forge ahead.

Malaysia is very fortunate to have almost every ingredient for a good recipe of success and it is indeed very sad that politicians seem to opt for selfish means to gain popularity. Good and constructive nation-building ideas by themselves should be your option for respect and support.

Let’s wake up and start to move ahead. We are now behind many nations in Asean. They used to envy Malaysia years ago. We have lost valuable time with our frequent change of government. Frequent political discord and fault-finding spell doom.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.