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LETTER | Evaluate positively about hosting Commonwealth Games

LETTER | A controversy has arisen about Malaysia’s opportunity to host the 2026 Commonwealth Games as would-be host Australia’s Victoria state gave up the privilege citing increased costs of about A$7 billion (RM21.7 billion).

Many well-intentioned citizens have commented that despite the opportunity that has presented itself to the country, the financial situation of the country needs to be considered.

Malaysia successfully hosted the 1998 Commonwealth Games and can benefit immensely from the experience. The estimated cost of hosting can be recouped by the multiplier and spillover effects of hosting the games.

The government could ask the nation’s billionaires, most of whom grew rich from government projects and contracts, to make reasonable contributions. Possibly, a billion ringgit could be raised if the billionaires and the corporate sector chip in to defray the cost.

Since Malaysia will be hosting at short notice, organisers of the Commonwealth Games can be asked to trim down the number of participants and possibly the less popular events, and this will save millions in costs.

Apartments, as was done before to house athletes and officials, can be built as part of an affordable housing project and ultimately sold to the M40 and B40 groups at a small profit.

Some stadiums can be renovated and the events can be spread out to East and West Malaysia. State governments can be asked to foot part of the bill as a contribution to their sports development programme.

Construction of the Shah Alam stadium in Selangor can be expedited to host some of the events.

The government can also trim expenditure at various levels by being cost-conscious in hosting the games and using the present infrastructure, sports fraternity, and volunteers to help out.

2025 is Visit Malaysia Year and hosting the Commonwealth Games in 2026 will give added momentum to the economy, which now mostly lacks any excitement or enthusiasm to boost the national morale.

These two events will boost the socio-economy due to the multiplier effects.

Malaysia now has a new King, Sultan Ibrahim, a new prime minister, Anwar Ibrahim, and a committed new woman sports minister, Hannah Yeoh, who symbolises the new unity government.

The ‘comeback kid’

For Anwar, it will mean his rebound and resurgence when it is remembered that just days before the 1998 Commonwealth Games began, he was sacked from Umno and arrested by the Dr Mahathir Mohamad administration.

Thus began a long ordeal of over two decades of political struggle which culminated in him becoming premier in November 2022. The symbolism of being prime minister during the 2026 games will not be lost on Anwar when he feels like the “comeback kid”.

The government has to win over a large number of pessimists who oppose hosting the games because it could be a losing proposition due to the bad shape of the economy.

Many, on the other hand, also feel that a couple of billions spent for the games is not going to sink the ship especially when most of the expenses can be recouped back through invigorating the sluggish economy and reaping the spillover effects.

Should Malaysia give up the chance, possibly the best country presently will be India as its economy is doing very well and there has been a major resurgence in sports development.

India as the premier nation in the Commonwealth could be called upon to save the 2026 games if all else fails, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s win in the upcoming parliamentary elections could raise the stakes of India hosting the 2026 Commonwealth Games.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.