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This article is 8 months old

LETTER | Please, let us move on

LETTER | Please, let us move on. All these “moves” are very tiring. It is ever-present in the media, printed or electronic, and a proverbial pain in the bum that cannot go away.

When most politicians, including ex-politicians, and political analysts have stated there was never any Dubai Move, it is very disconcerting and no one wants to let this political intrigue go away quietly into the night.

This issue does not seem to have done anyone, especially the opposition, any good. Regrettably, even the Agong has been dragged in unceremoniously and unwittingly.

Our king has, however, chosen wisely not to dignify the slanderous allegations by keeping a poised silence. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned here when outright absurdity and defamatory lies are maliciously foisted upon a person.

The prime minister has stated he will ignore this move when it was first announced by J-Kom. The opposition, except for a habitually delinquent politician, were also quick to deny that this Dubai Move happened. Even some of the PM’s nemeses have denied they are involved or funded the move.

There is a nation to be governed, an economy to be fixed and grow, and people to unite. This has been entrusted by the people to the federal coalition government and all the elected representatives in our august Parliament. Many citizens would like to see this trust be acted upon with haste, integrity, fairness, and responsibility.

To be inundated with accusations and denials of the move does not do the morale and confidence of the rakyat any favours. Many of us have suffered from stagnant incomes, depleted savings, rising prices, and incessant politicking over the last few years.

Throw into this depressing mix, the ever-lurking Covid-19, geopolitical troubles, and climate crisis, and it is a crushing burden on the young, old, and families, mentally, financially, and physically.

As for the vote of no confidence to prove whether the opposition has or has not the numbers, perhaps it can be tested when a Parliamentary Bill requiring a two-thirds majority to pass would be a better validation of the state of the incumbent government.

Please, let us move on.

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