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LETTER | Kudos to Anwar for his strong stance on Gaza

LETTER | I was one of the tens of thousands who showed up in solidarity with the Palestinians at the Axiata Arena in Bukit Jalil on (Oct 24) Tuesday night.

It was indeed a sobering, emotionally-charged moment seeing the multitudes of Malaysians who turned up to show support for Palestinians, who are being systematically and brutally attacked by Israeli forces.

It was my first time attending a massive gathering since Covid-19 hit and the atmosphere that night was simply electrifying!

The event was well-organised and allowed Malaysians of all walks of life to unite against aggression towards innocent civilians, which has no place in this 21st century.

The event also showcased Malaysia's unwavering stance against the long-standing oppression against the Palestinians in Gaza.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's presence that night was the cherry on the cake as he made an impassioned plea for Israel to immediately cease the aggression against innocent Palestinians.

Many senior leaders also attended such as Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil, Defence Minister Mohamad Hassan and long-time Palestinian advocate and former MP Nurul Izzah Anwar.

It is indeed commendable for Anwar to take a strong stance against Israel, considering how major Western powers are mostly pro-Israel following the latest escalating violence there.

Malaysia is a small country and it takes a lot of guts to stand up to the big boys who have vested interests, especially those linked to the powerful international Jewish lobby groups.

But for stepping on the toes of powerful nations, Anwar is already paying a heavy price personally.

On Tuesday night, he revealed that he has received threats from powerful Western countries over his unwavering stance on Gaza. As a result, the inspector-general of police has decided to increase the level of security for the prime minister.

If the prime minister is willing to stick his neck out in the defence of poor, hapless Palestinians, there are more reasons for ordinary Malaysians to rally around Anwar and the nation's courage to speak up for weaker and smaller nations.

If world powers can treat smaller nations according to their whims and fancy, it's a matter of time before countries like Malaysia suffer at the hands of bully countries like the United States, which is a strong supporter of Israel.

The people in Gaza have suffered for far too long under the repressive Israeli regime.

For example, the 16-year blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt has caused shortages of water, electricity, food and medical supplies in Gaza and this contravenes international laws.

Such barbarism has to stop. Malaysia, under the leadership of Anwar, has done a resounding job speaking up against powerful Western nations calling for an end to the brutality

But Malaysians as a whole need to continue speaking up on this issue not because many Palestinians are Muslims, but because they are also our fellow brothers and sisters in humanity.

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