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LETTER | GEG Bill must not be delayed any longer

LETTER | The generational end game (GEG) Bill has once again been delayed by Parliament, this time citing other matters that need to be looked into first.

The health of the nation and especially the future generations cannot be pushed down as a matter of lesser importance and priority.

Ranking the health of our children as not urgent is irresponsible - neglecting our duties as adults, parents and elected representatives.

The GEG Bill is of paramount importance as it not only lessens disease and fatalities among smokers but also non-smokers who inhale second-hand smoke.

With fewer smoking-related treatments and care, more money can be available for other health services, care, equipment and medicines.

Our environment will definitely benefit from the bill, as there will be fewer cigarette butts and vaping devices discarded indiscriminately polluting our oceans, rivers, city sidewalks, parks and beaches.

Much as there is justification for getting more input from more related parties and ensuring the bill encompasses all that is fair and good, there is no perfection in man-made rules.

Perfection is paralysis, as they say.

Get the bill enacted before the current Parliament session ends. If there are flaws or some clauses can be made better or more water-tight, amend the bill at another Parliament session.

The results of the recently launched survey to get public feedback can be incorporated later.

Let’s make it happen

Tweaking an existing bill is part and parcel of the duties of our august house and elected members such as the recent Trade Unions (Amendment) Bill 2022.

This GEG for tobacco is new worldwide and Malaysia can be counted as a pioneer if the bill is enacted this year. We cannot rely too much on what New Zealand - the first nation in the world to ban smoking for the next generation, has done, as theirs was passed this year.

Malaysia would likely be the second nation to ban smoking for future generations and be confident that we can do a great job ourselves.

For every day lost in delaying the GEG Bill, a young person takes up the socially repugnant and unhealthy habit of smoking which not only affects his own health and mortality but also their family, friends and co-workers.

The GEG Bill is pro-life, pro-health, pro-money saving and pro-environment. No other bill can possibly tick all these four boxes and the enactment of the GEG Bill must no longer be delayed.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.