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LETTER | Re-delineation not a silver bullet to stop 'Green Wave'

LETTER | There have been many cries lately for the re-delineation of electoral seats to stem the barrelling momentum of the “Green Wave” in the recent elections.

With this re-delineation silver bullet before the 16th general election, these cries tell us, the Green Wave will come to a red light and stop.

Re-delineation exercises and their approval processes are laid down by Acts of Parliament. There is a timeline to be adhered to and involves a lengthy process.

Re-delineation exercises can only be done no less than eight years after the last exercise. For Sarawak, a new re-delineation can begin this year. For Sabah, it is 2025, and for Peninsular Malaysia, 2026.

The Election Commission then has two years to complete the new re-delineation exercise, which works out to a total of 10 years before a new re-delineation of electoral boundaries can be done.

The first session of  Parliament after GE15 was on Dec 19, 2022, which means Parliament will automatically dissolve on Dec 19, 2027, if it runs its full term.

Based on the above timetable, it is impossible that a new re-delineation exercise can be completed, much less approved before GE16.

The only way for a new re-delineation exercise to be conducted with an aim for a fairer and better distribution for urban voters is for the current government to obtain a majority in Parliament after GE16.

I have pointed out in my earlier letter on Aug 14 titled “A nation divided, for now” that, in the meantime, the government’s supporters must be kept happy and content as they are the main foundation to retain power.

Supporters who wavered in a moment of weakness or indecisiveness, or got angry or frustrated and subsequently did not vote or voted for the opposition in the recent state polls must be brought back into the fold.

The reasons they did so must be investigated and remedies and solutions found and implemented so they don’t go renegade again. Ensure the needy among them receive due financial aid and have better access to health and education.

Fence-sitters, especially those in seats won or lost marginally, can make or break a seat. Get them to hop over to the government’s side by paying better attention to them and providing more development and aid. No one likes to be ignored and the government does so at its own peril.

The hearts and minds of these supporters must be won over, retained, and maintained as they are vital to win GE16. Without them, it will be all green lights for the Green Wave.

Even with a new and fairer de-lineation of electoral boundaries in place, it must never be forgotten by any government that it is the voters who decide who can govern and provide them with a united, happy, and prosperous nation.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.