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This article is a year old

LETTER | Say 'No' to racist politicians in Malaysia

LETTER | Looking back to the 1970s and 1980s in Malaysia, it was a time when all Malaysians lived together happily under one roof. We could dine in the same restaurants without worrying about halal or bon-halal stickers, as long as we respected each other's culture and religious beliefs.

During that era, there was no need for laws to protect freedom of speech because we all respected one another. However, since the 1990s, the situation has slowly changed, and this can be attributed to some racist politicians.

In their pursuit of votes, these politicians stop at nothing to stir up sensitive racial issues and emotions to win the support of certain ethnic groups. They even exploit religion to manipulate people's moral thinking and garner support for their political agendas.

Every election is filled with racial and religious rhetoric, along with insults, criticism, and slander against their political opponents. Sadly, they completely overlook discussions on how to improve the welfare and living conditions of the people and fail to address the needs of the vulnerable, elderly, and young. Such tactics are indeed despicable.

These politicians seem willing to do anything to gain power, even if it means dividing the country and disrupting racial harmony to achieve their desired outcomes.

We must open our eyes, analyse the situation rationally, and reject these despicable politicians. What we need are representatives who genuinely work for the well-being of the people, understand the sentiments of the citizens, and are willing to advocate for their rights. They hold the key to leading Malaysia towards prosperity and progress.

Let us join forces to eradicate racism, preserve Malaysia's multicultural harmony, and build a more united and progressive nation. We must say no to racist politics and liberate our country from the clutches of division and hatred, moving towards a brighter future.

Together, let us strive to make Malaysia a nation full of love and respect, creating a better tomorrow for the generations to come.

Only through this collective effort can we truly embrace the identity of being Malaysians and work hand in hand to achieve the aspiration of advancing our nation.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.