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LETTER | Ong, instead on harping on Najib, put your own house in order

LETTER | Kudos to Ong Kian Ming, former DAP MP for Bangi, who had vehemently opposed granting a pardon to imprisoned former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak, better known as "Bossku". His strong opinion was aired on "Keluar Sekejap", the podcast hosted by former Umno leaders Shahril Suffian Hamdan and Khairy Jamaluddin.

Ong emphasised that “there are lines that should not be crossed by the government” in reference to Bossku’s pardon. He further stated that “in my opinion, the red line for DAP grassroots, and perhaps DAP leaders too, is the freedom of Bossku”.

However, this noble ideal of fighting corruption by Ong and the DAP leadership, as he has pointed out, raises several questions.

Firstly, these ideals should apply to all leaders holding public office, irrespective of political party affiliations.

Hence, Ong, shouldn’t your own party member, Human Resources Minister V Sivakumar, exhibit true integrity by voluntarily going on garden leave, at the minimum, while the MACC conduct investigations on his office and his closest aides?

Human Resources Minister V Sivakumar

Regardless of Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and your own party bosses saying that Sivakumar needn’t resign or go on garden leave while this high-profile investigation is underway, shouldn’t the minister exhibit your party’s underlying ideals to act honourably?

Secondly, of the three officers questioned by the MACC, one was the minister’s principal private secretary and her young son, who was appointed as the minister’s special officer. Under precepts of good governance, would this not clearly cross the red line on conflict of interest?

Thirdly, while you claim to uphold ideals of anti-corruption, why hasn’t the DAP supported or even championed the Political Financing Act, now that your party is back as part of the government of the day?

The act was first proposed by the Najib administration in 2016 but was opposed by your party. It was again resurrected by former prime ministers Muhiddin Yassin and Ismail Sabri Yaakob but has yet to see the light of day.

It is beginning to appear that you lack any salient narrative to rally the voters. Narratives addressing issues of cost of living, inflation or even quality investments that would positively help the rakyat, particularly those in the B-40 bracket, and those who live in the heartland, are sadly missing.

Ong, it is easy to continue harping on Bossku and his travails. It would be best that you put your own house in order, and focus on the red lines that have been crossed by your own comrade before wading into the prerogative of the palace to grant a pardon that is enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

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