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This article is 4 years old

LETTER | When will political parties finally put rakyat first?

LETTER | The rakyat are so sick of how political alliances keep changing so quickly at the Perak state government because we're worried this same nonsense is going to spread to the Parliament and possibly cause yet another change in the federal government.

We've been lucky the last federal government change took place quickly enough for measures to be implemented at the national level to curb the impact of Covid-19 on Malaysia.

But when changing political alliances in Sabah forced a state-wide election, unfettered personal contact during campaigning and voters having to travel to and from Sabah had resulted in a major Covid-19 outbreak we have yet to still recover from almost three months later.

Why is it political parties refuse to learn from this disaster despite publicly acknowledging they caused the latest Covid-19 infection wave? 

Was it really necessary to have a "no-confidence" vote against Perak Menteri Besar Ahmad Faizal Azumu?

So far, we've been lucky that the menteri besar has graciously resigned instead of triggering another state election like Sabah. 

But the political parties who engineered his downfall don't know when to stop and are still causing so much unease for the rakyat.

I say enough is enough. It's time for Umno to just play nice with its Perikatan Nasional alliance partners, Bersatu and PAS. 

Please follow the Agong's advice and put the rakyat's interest first. Once Covid-19 has been brought under control, you can then resume your endless politicking.

Opposition parties Amanah, DAP and PKR should also stand down from stirring up animosity that will surely shatter the already fragile governments we have at both state and federal levels.

Maybe Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin was right in seeking to have the Agong declare a national emergency - it would definitely have put a stop to all this unnecessary politicking.

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