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This article is 4 years old

LETTER | Malaysia's housing predicament demands urgent rethinking

LETTER | Are houses affordable for the average Malaysian? No.

Is purchasing a roof over your head the second most major consideration in life, second to marriage? Yes.

Yet we all know that the property market is deemed as an investment in Malaysia.

Housing is not seen as a basic need that should be hinged on the principle of social fundamental.

Instead, the free market enterprise is allowed to dictate prices hence making providing decent and reasonably affordable roofs over our heads and within controlled pricing impossible.

Allowing housing to be an "investment" is the critical factor that has contributed to the segmentation of society.

It has entrenched a class tiered society.

It leads on to a social imbalance of rich and poor, progressive and backward, haves and have-nots amongst us citizens of one nation.

Raking in good money by buying and reselling homes is big business in Malaysia and often seen as a smart move.

Our leaders need to rethink. Too much of empty promises have flown under the bridge.

Providing a decent roof for every family is a social contract that is a categorical imperative weighing on upon all governments.

You cannot fulfil this service, obligation and fundamental duty to humanity as long as you continue to allow housing to be under the mercy of the free market enterprise and thrive on the "investment" labelling of the housing industry.

Let us not fall prey time and again to the antics of all parties with self-interest and out to profiteer at the expense of societal progress and well being by believing that our national economy will crumble if the housing industry is made into a social magna carta instead of continuing as an investment opportunity.

All the decorative schemes launched by past and present governments (like the B40 homes or low-cost flats and what have you) are merely pulling the wool over the eyes.

You cannot, on the one hand, seem to provide "affordable homes" while you crusade housing as a smart investment.

Will the new minister of housing who seemingly champions homes for everyone volunteer a comment?

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.