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LETTER | A plea to Sabah voters

LETTER | The 2020 Sabah state election is scheduled to be held on Sept 26 to elect 73 members of the 16th Sabah State Legislative Assembly. Nomination day is this Saturday. The scramble for seats has begun and it is likely to be a crowded field.

The key question to ask is “Are these Yang Berhormats sincerely and honestly contesting to serve the rakyat?” I have my doubts and I do question their intentions.

I’m inclined to believe that except for a few upright ones, the rest of the candidates have personal interests overriding all interests including naturally wanting to serve the rakyat.

I cannot help feeling that these ‘wakil rakyats’ are eyeing the supposedly ‘mountain of gold’ out there awaiting them should they win in their constituencies in terms of position and power (ministership for instance) as well as lucrative future financial gain. Nothing else matters for them except to enrich themselves due to their strong greed. Do Sabahans want to be served by such ‘wakil rakyats’ in the next five years?

It’s sad to note that even 57 years after joining Malaysia, Sabah remains in political disorder, upheavals and instability. Sabah has suffered enough and only the rakyat can put things right.

So, where does the ordinary voter or rakyat stand in the above scheme of things? Are Sabahans willing to vote for Candidate A only for him/her to betray you in joining another party? The politicians don’t seem to have any shame or in their lack of integrity.

So, the first thing a Sabahan has to consider is the track record of the candidates in terms of the number of times they have jumped ship. And the way they have conducted themselves in the past in terms of accumulating wealth and unashamed behaviour.

I dare say that should there be a coalition government with a slim majority, these ‘wakil rakyats’ will have no qualms to jump ship depending on the amount of enticements they receive.

Voters, please don’t be lured or enticed by short-term financial handouts as some parties have deep pockets. The future of Sabah is in your hands. Use your vote wisely.

Only by voting out overwhelmingly those who have jumped from ship to ship can Sabahans send a strong message that Sabah can no longer tolerate politicians with a culture of deceitfulness and dishonesty infused in them. Sabahans need to give a very clear-cut mandate to the coalition of their choice.

Surely Sabahans don’t want any political crisis to happen again and a backdoor government to be formed. As it will be a life-changing election, your vote will determine whether Sabah will have stability in the next five years. Only then can the new government focus on growth and economic development.

The results or outcome will have far-reaching consequences and ramifications to not only Sabah but also Sarawak (state elections are due next year) and also Peninsular Malaysia.

It is accepted that individually, Sabahans will not be able to solve the problems of the state but every voter can be part of the solution in voting in the right ‘Yang Berhormats’ into the State Assembly and in the process ushering in a new era of hope and prosperity and hopefully brighter days for the state.

We, in Peninsular Malaysia are watching with keen interest what’s going on in Sabah since General Elections 15 is speculated to be held soon. Sabahans, please send your politicians a strong ‘enough is enough’ message as a precursor so that other Malaysians can follow suit in the soon-to-be held general elections.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.