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LETTER | Why are Chong and DAP against rural development in S'wak?

LETTER | Reference is made to the article issued by the Sarawak DAP chairperson Chong Chieng Jen comparing the state government’s efforts to improve Internet connectivity in rural areas to being a ‘hot air’ project.

Chong also made it a point to compare the state government’s plan to set up of an Internet service operator to buying a calf and raising it just because one wants to drink milk.

As a party claiming to be rural-centric, championing the rights of the rural dwellers, it has to be asked, why are Chong and DAP defiantly against rural development and efforts to provide rural dwellers with better facilities?

For a party claiming to be in touch with the people, they are once again out of touch.

It is a well-known fact that the state government is setting up more telecommunication towers in rural areas across the state, but setting up towers alone is not enough as we need the Internet service that comes along with it.

It is similar to buying a car; it won't move without any fuel in it. This continuous supply of fuel is what the state government wants to acquire.

Telecommunication companies based in Malaya had doubts on whether they want to invest in these rural areas and for whatever reason they refused to provide Internet coverage to these areas.

This is where the problem lies, and by setting up an outfit to where they will be the Internet service provider (ISP), this is how the state government is looking to resolve the problem.

Either way, if the plan comes through, Sarawak will have its own Internet service provider company, providing jobs to local information technology (IT) graduates in the state, allowing them to make a living despite the world economic uncertainties.

With a government-owned ISP, it would make the dream of low cost and widespread Internet connectivity possible not only to the rural dwellers, but urban dwellers as well.

On the question of whether it would cost a huge sum for Sarawak to form its own ISP, it will, no doubt. But also, in the long term, this will dwarf in comparison to the subsidy given by the state to government to mega-rich telco companies to compensate their loss of revenue operating in rural areas for however long - which Sarawak DAP suggested doing.

We don’t need to subsidise telco companies that are already sitting on a pile of cash refusing to get off their high horse and play their parts in serving the rural community of Sarawak.

If a subsidy should be issued by the state government, it should be given to the people, in terms of lower Internet connectivity charges.

This will not only lessen their burden in paying for exorbitant charges issued by the telco companies, but this will also allow them to sustain themselves and their families or even save up to purchase better IT gadgets, be it laptops or smartphones.

Chong and DAP made it a point to list out government initiatives to provide better infrastructure and amenities for the people, seemingly trying to find any wrongdoings and shortcomings by the state government.

It has to be said, all the things listed by DAP are the work of an honest, working state government trying find solutions to solve problems and fulfil the needs of the people.

This is a government that not only talks but delivers on its promises rather than debating what the people should and shouldn’t have.

The people don’t need leaders who think that people’s needs should be politicised and that development should be an afterthought rather than being the utmost priority.

In short, setting up a government-owned ISP may be the only option to resolve the problems of poor Internet coverage in the rural outskirts of the state.

Internet is a basic human need in today’s world and the hurdles to provide it to the people are aplenty.

We have had enough of proposals from the Sarawak DAP, they haven’t even delivered on their litany of past proposals. A certain pledge of 50 percent taxes collected to be returned to Sarawak and 20 percent of oil and gas royalty springs to mind.

To say the lack of Internet connectivity in rural areas situation can magically be resolved akin to a buying a milk at the supermarket is appalling and shows how little DAP knows about the situation on the ground. 

We wonder what the MP for Mas Gading opines about this issue as he is supposed to represent the rural people.

The above is a joint statement from GPS backbenchers.

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