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This article is 5 years old

Penangites should have had enough by now

LETTER | The problem with the Penang state government today is that it only focuses on the economy while completely forgetting to protect the environment. The coming Penang south reclamation is the most ridiculous idea I have ever heard of. 

And some state government sympathisers use Singapore as an example? Hello? Singapore is an island nation with limited land, Penang has the whole peninsula to spread itself out. If some Penangites cannot afford to live on the island, they can always move to the mainland. 

Pride can never be an excuse to not move to a more affordable place. Excuses like providing jobs for the future generation can no longer be used when our environment is dying by the day. 

Has anyone ever considered the beauty of Penang that has attracted tourists for generations? The original beauty of Penang must be kept in order to attract more tourists and Penangites should appreciate the money that is brought in by tourists. 

Think about it, why would tourists waste their hard-earned cash when you no longer take care of your tourist sites for them to see? For your economy? Come on! If your children cannot find work locally, they can always look for a job elsewhere. Do not let jobs be a reason that you cannot maintain your culture.

Penangites should rally their support around the Penang Forum. Members of this non-governmental organisation (NGO) are obviously members of the elite of Penang society hence they are not vulnerable to bribes and can truly act according to their conscience. 

It is important that Penang Forum members be seen as exemplary citizens of the modern world that other Penangites can emulate. For the preservation of Penang, they have most probably sent their children overseas to learn about the best ways to protect the environment. 

These returning scholars bring their superior knowledge on how to make things work better and the state government should listen to them. Why can't Penangites see that the Penang Forum are the real true patriotic Penangites? They are individuals who do not need to protest but have chosen to do so for the simple fact that they love Penang. 

The fact that Penangites continue to give the DAP-led Penang state government huge mandates election after election baffles me. The Penang Forum had asked Penangites to show their displeasure by throwing protest votes against the DAP, but why are Penangites continuously being fooled by their politicians?

Money that is lost can be replaced, unemployment can be solved but the beauty of Penang will be lost soon and although Penang is a top destination, no one will want to spend their hard-earned cash on a sham. 

Penangites, wake up! You owe the world to protect your cultures, heritage sites and environment. Jobs are always available elsewhere but your natural treasures are not.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.