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This article is 5 years old

For proponents of PTMP, the best defence is attack

LETTER | When I read the article entitled "Penang NGOs - an opposition force without accountability?" the first thing that came to mind was "ouch," because even though I have no affiliation to the NGOs the authors were referring to, I do follow the issues raised, in particular the proposed Pan Island Link 1 highway and the Penang Transport Master Plan (PTMP).

I would say the article summarily denies the positive contributions of Penang NGOs, such as when they successfully halted and revised the implementation of Penang Outer Ring Road (PORR) and Penang Global City Center (PGCC) among others.

The primary purpose of their article, I gather, is to discredit these NGOs, especially those who have raised questions on the viability and future prospects of PTMP as a whole coupled with the Penang South Reclamation (PSR) scheme.

By citing other 'successful' projects implemented over the years, readers are supposed to also accept that PIL1, PTMP and PRS will be just as successful. 

What the authors have conveniently failed to mention are the details of the grouses raised by NGOs and affected public. But then again why should they shoot their own feet? 

The onus of finding out the details of the issues raised lies with the readers themselves, that is, if they care to find out. Here is where the NGOs play a big role. 

The level of apathy among the Malaysian public, truth be told, is rather high. The ordinary man and woman on the street are busy living day to day, they have no time to bother about the future. This they leave it to the government of the day. The people trust the government hoping that their interest and their children's interest will be taken care of.

But alas, Malaysian politicians, like most politicians anywhere in the world I suppose, like to claim that projects they proposed are for the good of the people and the state or nation. 

If the projects uses private funding or foreign investment then perhaps the opportunity should be accorded to the proposers. But once public funding or liability is involved, should not a more prudent approach be adopted and applied? 

Personally, I think the use of the PTMP as a reason to reclaim new islands is just an excuse to camouflage a developer-biased policy by the Penang government. 

After all, the PTMP, as it stands, is a developer-modified version of the original Halcrow study and recommendations which for all intents and purposes deviates entirely in form and functions. 

If the state wants to reclaim those islands nonetheless for future economics of Penang so be it, but do not link this to PTMP, and please ensure all statutory requirements are complied with. But do not let the public foot the bill – it should be a commercial venture by capable entities.

As for PTMP, a review is warranted, because so many technical issues need to be addressed. 

The simple question of return on investment of PIL1 has yet to be answered. Is it really worth spending RM7.5 billion on a new highway risking all sorts of environmental problems along the way, just to reduce 15 minutes of travel time, that will become clogged again in five to six years? 

RM7.5 billion translates to 15,000 buses at RM500,000 each. Would not it be more sensible to provide 15,000 new buses to encourage public transport use in Penang? 

Besides, newer transport technologies are available. The ART (trackless train) which cost only a fifth of LRT systems is now an option. Congestion pricing as a means of controlling the number of private vehicles in a city is being considered by many cities around the world.

Until and unless the Malaysian public, in particular Penangites, takes more notice of the projects around them, NGOs have to take the brunt of the 'attacks', accusations and belittling by those having their own agenda. 

Remember 1MDB and the ECRL projects – those too were meant to prosper our nation. The announced intention might have been right, but the unquestionable use of public funds and leaving the liability to future generations made it all wrong.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.