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Cooking up lip-smacking delights with palm oil

Different vegetable oils carry different fatty acid compositions. Some are better used cold while others are better suited for cooking, sautéing, frying, baking, broiling or grilling. True enough, not all plant-based edible oils are equal.

One thing for sure, you need the right type of oil for the dish you are preparing. If you plan to fry or grill, choose an oil that will stand up to high heat without breaking down. Palm oil is one of the better choices because of the explanation that follows.  

With a balanced composition (generally 50% saturated and 50% unsaturated), palm oil is naturally suitable for either cooking or frying as it is very heat-resistant. It doesn’t break down or mutate when used for frying. It is also naturally trans-fat free and cholesterol free.

The choice of oil will impact the outcome of your cooking whether it goes from tasty to terrible. Palm oil can sustain a cooking or frying temperature up to 235°C, which is far higher than the general deep-frying temperatures of 170-190°C, making it heat-resistant and stable at high temperatures.

Put it simply, palm oil’s excellent heat resistance and balanced composition make it one of the healthier options available. It is also odourless and neutral in flavour. When you pair the right oil with the right cooking method, your food will taste ‘Schmeckt Gut’!

So, what is the gastronomic flash of genius up in your mind? No worries. Here are some of the creative recipes crafted by well-known western chefs to fire up your culinary delights. 

Fried zucchini flower with ricotta almond and fresh tomato sauce by Chef Federico Michieletto

Roasted pumpkin with Thai red vegetable curry by Daniel Green 

Le Sothi Malayalam by Chef David Martin

Fish and chips with palm oil vinaigrette by Jean Michel Fraisse from recipes by David Martin