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How is Malaysia Faring Under its 12th Plan? Are major revisions required?

The 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) was unveiled in 2021 to revive Malaysia’s economy after the Covid-19 pandemic’s impact. The plan showed a path for achieving growth that is prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable for five years. Key priorities were to boost economic recovery, ensure fair wealth distribution among states and people, and maintain environmental protection and sustainable development. 

A special Parliamentary session will be convened from 11 to 19 September for a Mid-Term Review of the 12MP to assess progress and understand challenges critically and make necessary adjustments.

The review will be even more interesting with the recent introduction of the Ekonomi Madani framework in July that injects a strong element of values into both societal and economic institutions and where governance and monitoring are foundational pillars. The feedback from MPs on how both plans can co-exist and strengthen each other’s objectives is expected to be robust.

Before that happens, this special edition of Top In Tech will delve into some of the key issues first. 

Top In Tech Ep36: How is Malaysia Faring Under its 12th Plan? Are major revisions required?

Thurs, 7th Sept 2023 @ 4pm on Zoom


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