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Fostering Innovation: Building an Ecosystem for a Thriving Innovation-based Economy

Malaysia has set an ambitious vision to be among the Top 20 most innovative nations by 2030 in the Global Innovation Index, which requires a concerted effort from all sectors and stakeholders to create a supportive and conducive ecosystem for innovation.

Nevertheless, continuous Innovation is the key to unlocking new opportunities, solving complex challenges, and creating value in the 21st century. But how can Malaysia foster a culture of innovation and build a thriving innovation ecosystem that can drive growth, competitiveness, and social impact today?

Save the date: Wed, 6th Sept 2023, 9.30am - 12.30pm

Venue: Rekascape, Cyberjaya

RSVP Here to join us on-ground


Discussion Angles:

-Where is Malaysia now?

-Creating a supportive and conducive ecosystem in promoting an innovation-based economy

-Challenges and gaps that need to be addressed

- Is tapping into new technologies the way to drive innovation and transformation in business and society?