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This article is a year old

COMMENT | Just how many migrant workers are there in Malaysia?

COMMENT | What do you think is the single most important economic statistic right now for Malaysia? Think about it a little before you answer. Now decide if the figure proposed - the number of migrant workers in Malaysia - is the one.

One of the enduring mysteries in Malaysia is the number of migrant workers here. While the official figure is 2.1 million, according to the Statistics Department, this number may be as low as a third of total migrant labour, which includes undocumented labour.

This figure is important because it will tell us the magnitude of the problem we face. It relates back to how and whether we can help the poor in Malaysia. It will raise many questions about whether we are productive. It will tell us how deep in economic problems we are mired.

It requires the attention of the prime minister and the economy minister. This is no exaggeration. Getting a proper grasp of the problem will be key to lifting living standards for most Malaysians while being fair to our guest workers.

Most importantly, it will force us to finally face up to the enormous problem of migrant labour - both documented and undocumented - which impacts our economy and the well-being of every single person living in the country.

No, it is not the fault of migrant labourers, it is...

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