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This article is 2 years old

COMMENT | Why has Malaysia fallen behind other nations?

COMMENT | New countries - America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and yes, Malaysia are all relatively new nations in their modern configuration. All these nations had their native or indigenous populations but settlers, coming in from other nations fleeing oppression or persecution in their home countries or seeking employment or being brought in as migrants, or as slaves or as indentured labour, altered the demography of these nations. Colonisation and decolonisation provided the impetus for change.

They all started their new or altered nationhood as colonies but eventually became independent, The United States has become the most powerful nation on earth. Singapore has become one of the wealthiest in per capita terms. And Canada and Australia are considered advanced nations. New Zealand has also done well. All these nations have benefitted from large-scale immigration. Indigenous people may dispute this statement as they have not been treated well in some of these countries.

All these countries have diverse populations with many cultures, languages, and religions. English is the dominant language in these countries.

Malaysia's history is not dissimilar except the indigenous people remain in the majority and have political control. It has a diverse population. It is a constitutional democracy with a parliament, a professional civil service, and an independent judiciary. It has a modern market economy. It is an advanced country in some respects. English is widely spoken (with varying levels of proficiency) although the language of administration and instruction in schools is mainly Malay.

Malaysia has not progressed as much as these countries.

Fifty years ago, Malaysia was at par or ahead of countries like South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. Today, these countries have become developed nations. Taiwan and South Korea are major manufacturing countries, and Singapore is a financial centre, overtaking both Hong Kong and Switzerland.

What differentiates these countries from us? What did they do right and what did we do wrong?

Consider Singapore, our nearest neighbour. Singapore has a population of just over five and a half million, a GDP about equal to ours and whose currency is three times ours - three times what it was 50 years ago. It has no resources, except a good location. It relies on the talent of its own people and the inefficiency and problems of its neighbours.

Singapore has benefited enormously from talent from Malaysia. Our talent exodus leads mainly to Singapore...

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