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COMMENT | Anwar’s obsession with becoming PM caused Sheraton Move

COMMENT | I refer to the article published in Malaysiakini today entitled ‘Yoursay: How Azmin turned a dream into a nightmare’.

It amounts to irresponsible, shameless character assassination of former PKR deputy president Azmin Ali by the news portal Malaysiakini. It is mere abuse and personal insult masquerading as reportage.

Malaysiakini has of course been carrying out this type of unrestrained attack upon Azmin and many others for a long time now.

That they are a pro-Pakatan Harapan organ is undeniable and obvious from the selection and tone of their news pieces and articles. That is their prerogative.

However, responsible journalism means not allowing itself to be used as a platform for daily abuse and propaganda against select political targets.

Strong criticism of public figures is encouraged in a democracy, but continuous long-term insults and personal abuse are sickening and unacceptable in any democratic polity. It is a perversion of journalistic freedom.

Azmin could have sued many times. But unlike certain other leaders who preach freedom of speech but sue at the drop of a hat, Azmin does not believe that public figures should resort to defamation actions.

In regard to the so-called Sheraton Move, it has been used as a fig leaf by Pakatan Harapan to hide their failures and bankruptcy of ideas and solutions for the rakyat. Harapan has resorted to blaming every failure of theirs upon the Sheraton Move.

Azmin, myself and others had not only the right, but also the duty, to be critical of a political party and political coalition in which we no longer had any faith or trust in.

Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin and Bersatu supreme council member Azmin Ali (centre)

Pledges out the window

Harapan had betrayed the rakyat by failing to uphold and implement the reforms pledged in the general election. This was a serious matter, no less than our solemn undertakings to a country hungry for change.

It took a backseat to the political chicanery of PKR president Anwar Ibrahim’s gang in his party which undermined and agitated continuously for an early transfer of the premiership to Anwar.

All the pledges were forgotten and went out the window. The rest of Harapan kept silent while this disgraceful scramble for power continued. Was this a political coalition we could honestly support anymore?

We also believed that there was an irreparable failure of the leadership of Anwar and PKR. We spent many long painful years trying to change things from within the party, to no avail. Finally, we were all sacked because we would not toe the line or act against the dictates of our conscience.

Infighting continues

Subsequent events have justified our move. Today, PKR is a shambles, continuing upon petty internal struggles with little regard for the plight or problems of ordinary Malaysians. It is frightening to think of the fate of the country if this totally dysfunctional party were still in federal power. Could they govern?

Worse, PKR and its leadership made sordid deals with the Umno ‘court cluster’ in a failed attempt to make Anwar prime minister. Ironically, this was the very same party that labelled us as ‘traitors’ for forming a new government with BN.

PKR president Anwar Ibrahim

Traitors and such epithets regularly hurled at us by PKR/Harapan, which Malaysiakini reproduces daily without any compunction, are only used by fascist or communist political parties which do not allow dissent.

Ours is a democratic polity, and the right to freedom of association is guaranteed under our democratic constitution. We no longer believed in our party or its leader; were we supposed to stay silent despite that? Is PKR or Harapan a cult or a communist body that those who criticise them or are unjustly sacked become ‘traitors’?

It is time to stop the childish abuse and think about the future of our country. We can differ in our respective visions for the nation, without overwhelming hatred and enmity.

I would urge Malaysiakini to uphold journalistic ethics and refrain from publishing personal abuse and insults in the guise of press freedom. We will not sue, but let the public judge.

MUHAMMAD HILMAN IDHAM is Gombak Setia assemblyperson, Selangor Perikatan Nasional secretary and the political secretary to International Trade and Industry Minister Azmin Ali.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.

YOURSAY | How Azmin turned a dream into a nightmare