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MP SPEAKS | Hide confusion reigns, explain methodology and parameters

MP SPEAKS | The government and National Security Council (NSC) must immediately explain the methodology and parameters used by the Hotspot Identification for Dynamic Engagement (Hide) system to identify premises and location predicted to be a potential hotspot or cluster, in view of the sudden order by the NSC for all locations listed under Hide to close immediately for three days.

Such a last-minute announcement is not only a huge inconvenience to the public, but what is more important is that without proper explanation of the science and data behind such a decision, it is oppressive and irresponsible towards business owners affected especially when they are already struggling to stay afloat.

To make things worse, the conflicting announcements by different ministers on the same issue on the same day, speaks volume of how the government has probably lost control or has no clue on how to deal with this Covid-19 pandemic.

Earlier in the day, Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Khairy Jamaluddin clearly stated that the list of locations released under Hide were not confirmed Covid-19 clusters, and that such premises do not need to close except when directed by the authorities.

In the evening, Senior Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob came out with a late statement ordering all those listed under Hide to be closed immediately contradicting Khairy's earlier statement.

While I am supportive of proactive measures and proper pre-emptive interventions, but the parameters and methodology of identification of such areas under Hide must be clear and backed by science. If not, we may see unintended consequences including stigma towards a certain business area that can significantly affect their business, or worse as seen today, businesses being ordered to close without proper explanation.

Ismail's announcement on Hide may actually open up dangerous floodgates if the methodology and parameters are not properly explained. 

The list released under Hide which includes the majority of shopping malls around the country, also contradicts clear data that shows a huge chunk of overall cases came from factories or workplace clusters.

Why are these factories or high-risk workplace areas not appearing on this list? What are the parameters used to determine these factors? All this must be transparent as it is a big decision involving hundreds of premises nationwide. 

I am sure, if given proper explanation and adequate planning and guidelines for businesses, they are more than willing to comply, and the public can also make the necessary adjustments. If the government really believes this is the best mode of action, they wouldn't be afraid to explain it properly to the public.

However, if the government makes sudden and rash decisions without proper explanation based on science and data, it just shows how they have lost it and it's an admission of failure to handle this pandemic.

KELVIN YII is MP for Bandar Kuching.

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