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ASEAN, EU invite youth to express their thoughts on climate change issues

The European Union continues to emerge as the world’s climate trailblazer. Every year in the lead up to Conference of the Parties (COP27), EU delegations and embassies of EU Member States around the world hold various events to foster dialogue and cooperation on climate change, showcase success stories, and inspire further action. This year, the EU delegation to ASEAN is preparing a series of events to be held from 25 to 31 October 2022. 

Youth participants during the Open Space Technology session where they became experts themselves and talked about issues and opportunities related to climate and the environment

The EU-ASEAN Climate Diplomacy Week was kicked off on 25 October 2022 along with the launch of the Philippines Climate Diplomacy Fair. Designed for young and emerging climate advocates and champions, the event hosted 3 component programmes: PechaKucha Talks that centers around the theme of Climate x Etcetera”, emphasising the cross cutting nature of climate; Open Space Technology that centers around the theme of The Climate, the Environment, and Me; and Pit Stop, a space for participants to lounge, network, converse casually around the topics of climate change.

A note taker is taking point of discussions using the arts approach during the Open Space Technology session.

The hybrid event was a success with an attendance of around 100 participants on-site, and over 1,000 online participants on the EU Delegation for ASEAN’s Facebook and YouTube.

Creative Content Competition

The EU Delegation in ASEAN also organises a social media competition inviting ASEAN youth to express their thoughts on climate change issues or portray the climate actions around them through photos or short videos. Some examples have been posted by the organising committee on Instagram @euinasean to inspire youth to make their own creative content. Youth can create more than one content and post it on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, then mention and tag @euinasean and use the hashtags #EUinASEAN and #CDW2022. The competition will end on October 31st, 2022, and three best winners will be chosen based on the number of engagements and will receive wireless earphones as their prizes.

To see all the ongoing and upcoming activities during the Climate Diplomacy Week, please visit Instagram and Facebook of the EU Delegation in ASEAN.