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Reinforce Your Data Fortress Against Ransomware With IGS

Today’s swift advancement of technology has ushered in numerous opportunities, along with its set of drawbacks such as cybersecurity risks which ultimately would raise a significant concern for individuals, businesses, and governments alike.

Among the various threats, ransomware attacks have emerged as a detrimental form of cybercrime, given their capacity to infiltrate confidential data, incapacitate organisations and extort significant sums of money.

What makes you the target of a ransomware attack?

Factors such as weak cybersecurity defences, valuable data, and lack of awareness can make you a potential target of a ransomware attack.

According to PwC’s 2024 Global Digital Trust Insights survey of 3,876 business and tech executives, including respondents from Malaysia, shows considerable room for improvement in cybersecurity. “Hack-and-leak” remains the top concern for Malaysian respondents, yet nearly a third still don’t consistently integrate data security and privacy features in their operations.

Over time, cybercriminals have become more creative in employing advanced techniques such as Spear-Phishing, Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS), Lockers, Scareware, Crypto Ransomware and others to bypass security. Hence, it is imperative to adopt preventive measures against ransomware attacks.

Secure your data by putting a contingency plan in place
As a prominent system integrator in Malaysia, IGS is ready to aid Malaysian businesses from end-to-end cyber attacks. With their extensive experience and accomplishments since their founding in 2003, IGS has the solutions and expertise to ensure that your data is not just stored but stored securely. They prioritise your data’s safety, keeping it invulnerable to unauthorised access and breaches.

IGS range of ransomware protection solutions include:

  • Extended Detection and Response (XDR)

    During a ransomware attack, it is critical to detect and respond quickly because the longer a threat remains within an organisation’s network, the more opportunities an attacker has to damage systems and steal valuable data.

    When an attacker's tools, tactics, or strategies are disrupted early on, most of them will be forced to abandon their attempt as they cannot progress further.

    One way to detect this problem is to utilise XDR. IGS's XDR offerings improve threat detection and speed up response times by aggregating and analysing data across multiple security layers including email, endpoint, server, cloud workload, and network.

    This eliminates any further impact, reducing the severity and scope of the attack.

  • Network Security Solutions

Your best defence is to stop any breach before it gets past your main gates, also known as your network perimeter. Cybercriminals usually enter this perimeter to gain access to internal systems. Very often, once inside, they will combine other types of attacks — spreading malware or exploiting vulnerabilities in systems within the network.

With IGS Network Security Solutions, your business will be equipped with next-generation firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, DNS security and more. Their comprehensive suite safeguards and limits your organisation's network from hackers, intruders, and other unwanted cyber threats.

The most effective perimeter defence utilises a multi-faceted approach to security, all of which work together to deny any potential intruder access to your network.

  • Backup & Recovery Solutions

    When ransomware hackers kidnap your data and hold it hostage, they will usually demand hefty ransoms for decryption.

    With a recent backup, you can restore your data to its state before the attack, eliminating the necessity to pay the ransom. This not only spares you from financial extortion but also enables you to regain control of your data without jeopardising your security.

    IGS's Backup & Recovery Solutions plays a crucial role in maintaining business continuity by providing access to secure encrypted cloud backups and offsite data storage when needed, ensuring that your data is recoverable. Remember, prevention is crucial, but backup and recovery are your ultimate safety net in the unfortunate event of a successful attack.

    Ensure that you will be receiving tailored services from certified specialists
    IGS offerings and solutions are tailored to align perfectly with your customer’s specific needs when it comes to Ransomware protection.

    On top of that, their multi-disciplinary team of IT support specialists are accredited according to the rigorous standards held by industry regulators, ensuring that you receive the best protection while upholding a strong commitment to quality, innovation, and helping clients achieve their cybersecurity goals.

    From preparation to post-incident activity, IGS experts offer complete control and transparency over their cybersecurity solutions to provide you with an ease of mind.

    Interested to find out how you can protect your data fortress with IGS? Visit their Ransomware page and their social media pages Facebook and LinkedIN for more information.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.