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PIKOM Welcomes Appointment of New Digital Minister and Formation of Dedicated Ministry

The National Tech Association of Malaysia (PIKOM) expressed its strong support for the appointment of YB Gobind Singh Deo as the inaugural Minister of the newly formed Ministry of Digital.

PIKOM has been a strong advocate for the creation of a dedicated ministry to oversee the critical technology sector for the past decade. We firmly believe that this decision marks a significant milestone in Malaysia's digital journey and will provide the necessary focus and resources to accelerate the nation's digital transformation.

"We are particularly pleased with the appointment of YB Gobind who is a well-respected figure within the industry and possesses a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities we face," said Ong Chin Seong, PIKOM Chairman. "We have worked with YB Gobind before when he held his last ministerial post and his extensive experience will be invaluable in driving the growth and development of the technology sector."

PIKOM looks forward to working closely with the new Ministry to address key priorities:

  • Enlarging the local market for ICT: We urge the Ministry to implement policies that encourage greater adoption of technology solutions by businesses and individuals across all sectors. This includes initiatives to address skills gaps, promote digital literacy, and build a supportive ecosystem for innovation.

  • Improving digitalization for SMEs and the rural community and urban poor: It is crucial to bridge the digital divide and ensure that all Malaysians have equitable access to opportunities and services. The Ministry should prioritise programmes that support digital adoption by SMEs and provide targeted interventions to uplift the urban poor and rural community through digital inclusion.

  • Increasing digital exports: Malaysia has the potential to become a major player in the global technology export market. The Ministry should work with industry stakeholders to develop strategies that promote the development of exportable products and services, and facilitate market access for Malaysian technology companies.

  • Exploring new markets: We encourage the Ministry to actively explore potential new markets for Malaysian technology products and services. This includes leveraging existing trade agreements and exploring emerging markets with high growth potential.

PIKOM believes that the creation of the Ministry of Digital and the appointment of YB Gobind Singh are significant steps forward for Malaysia's digital future. The creation of the ministry will provide the focus execution needed to give Malaysia a competitive edge. We are confident that under their leadership, the technology sector will continue to grow and thrive, contributing significantly to the nation's economic and social development.

This article is provided by PIKOM

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