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Keeping Safe From Pests: World Pest Day

To commemorate the annual World Pest Day that falls yearly on the 6th of June. Rentokil continues to strive in raising awareness for homes and businesses on the effects of pest infestations that can be lasting and devastating if proper and professional steps are not taken to remediate the harmful aftermath of an infestation.

What is a pest?

  • A pest in today’s urban context is any insect or animal harmful to humans and public health which comes in all forms and sizes – from ants to cockroaches and rodents.

They are similar in their search for food and shelter which means that thriving conditions make it ideal for them to not only survive but thrive, thus resulting in a very much unwanted pest infestation. There are a number of reasons why having a pest infestation at your home or business is a highly undesirable situation to be in. Not only are pests unpleasant to live with and a nuisance, but they can also cause substantial damage to your house or workplace.

What are the signs of a pest infestation?

Watching the pests parade around your property is one sure sign of a pest infestation. Other warning signs include:

  • Holes or gnaw marks on walls and doors/door frames

  • Packets of food that have been chewed or gnawed through / food items that show signs of pieces being bitten off

  • Bitten-up wiring

  • Greasy marks or tracks on the floors from rodents leaving their mark

  • Odours from urine and faeces / unidentified animal droppings

What causes pest infestation?

Pest infestation starts with access or possible entry points that allow these pests to sneak in undetected. Sometimes, if the location of your property is next to a park or located in a very old and poorly maintained building, then this makes it very accessible for pests to enter.

If pests do not find what they seek, they could just be transient guests without leaving major damage in their wake. However, if they do decide to get comfortable at your home or business premise, here are some reasons why:

Clutter: Pests find clutter highly attractive because it is a natural camouflage comfort zone for them. It allows them to move in and infest the place without being seen by hiding behind or within the clutter. As clutter is usually left alone and untouched for ages, pests can utilise it as a hiding place without being disturbed.

Poor cleanliness: Most pests are attracted to leftover food that is improperly disposed of due to plastic bags that are not tied up, rubbish bins without lids, uncleaned spills, food crumbs and unattended leftovers are like an invitation to a buffet spread for pests.

What are the harmful effects of pests?

Pests carry a range of diseases; bacteria and viruses that can pose serious health risks to people and pets as well such as:

  • Salmonella

  • Leptospirosis

  • E. Coli.

The pathogens they carry can be transmitted to humans and pets in areas contaminated by their urine, saliva and droppings which is dangerous and life-threatening to human health and body. Furthermore, pests such as rodents can cause damage to structures and interior wiring by chewing on walls, doors, and wires. When electrical cables become exposed and susceptible to external triggers, this results in massive repair expenses and even potential fire hazards.

What should you do in the case of a pest infestation?

Managing pests alone can be troublesome due to the risks and dangers they pose. If you discover a pest infestation on your property or observe some signs of it, here are some tips on how to deal with them.

1. Properly disposing of rubbish and leftover food

As mentioned above, to prevent pests from reaching your waste, It is critical to properly dispose of trash and leftover food and keep it in sealed bins or containers. To reduce odours and attractants, empty and clean the bins on a regular basis. Food scraps and unprotected food might attract bugs if left unattended. Additionally, keep food preparation and dining areas clean by swiftly mopping up spills and crumbs. You can lower the likelihood of insect infestations and create a less appealing habitat for pests by practising appropriate waste management.

2. Proofing methods

Pests can enter your property through gaps in the walls, open doors and open windows. Do inspect your property for cracks, crevices and minor gaps in walls or windows that allow pests to enter. Maintaining your property by sealing up these gaps and openings prevents pests from entering easily.

3. Professional Pest Control Treatment

If proofing is compromised, whereby a pest has entered, then it is essential to rely on the expertise of professionals to effectively remove it with precision and care. Professionals possess deep knowledge of pests and employ proven methods and products to eradicate them as they ensure the safety of your premise and occupants. It guarantees a thorough and reliable solution to your pest issues, giving you peace of mind.

4. Rentokil Pest Disinfection Treatment

After ensuring that you have done all you can within your control to take care of the pest infestation, this is the time for a professional to step in to make sure any lingering hazardous effects from the pests are completely eradicated. A pest disinfection service will do the job and help reduce the risk of illness, be it for your family at home or employees at your workplace, by killing the disease-causing pathogens carried by pests.

Pest disinfection is used to deep clean your property, especially after a pest infestation problem; even though you may have gotten rid of the unwanted guests, more often than not they have left behind traces of pathogens that are invisible to the naked eye.

Whether you’re a home or a business owner, don't ignore the warning signs of a pest infestation before it spreads out of hand. Let the professionals at Rentokil Initial give you the peace of mind that your premises are clean, safe and disinfected.

If you suspect that you may have a pest infestation at hand, reach out to Rentokil for a list of comprehensive packages for pest disinfection service; tailored to both homes and businesses—so that you may protect yourself and the people that matter to you.

This content is provided by Rentokil Initial Malaysia