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ALTY: En Route To Building A Comprehensive Orthopaedic Care Ecosystem In Malaysia

Malaysia has officially been considered as an ageing country as the population aged 65 years and above is expected to reach 7.3% of national population within 2022.

As we age the cartilage between our joints gets worn out and compresses. This compression in turn directly correlates to a shorter stature, which is why losing up to one-half inches by age 40 can be normal.

However, a significant loss of height can be attributed to osteoporosis which is often known as a ‘silent disease’. People with osteoporosis are not usually aware they are affected until a bone breaks after a minor fall. There are also other disorders that affect the bones such as osteoarthritis, osteopenia (low bone density), scoliosis, rheumatoid arthritis and others.

A waving red flag

Aside from the ageing factor, we also have another alarming health crisis in Malaysia — obesity. Half of the Malaysian adult population is either overweight or obese and this adversely affects bone health quality and can prove to be riskier for the population as they age.

You can't heal a broken bone by ignoring it

There are people who are willing to just tough it out and live with pain such as limited range of motion, stiffness, and other symptoms. But when it becomes difficult to perform everyday tasks, like reaching to put something in a cabinet, bending over to pick something up from the floor, or even going for a walk, then it’s time to see a doctor and access quality treatments.

Discover more on the gaps in orthopaedic healthcare, establishing a comprehensive orthopaedic healthcare support system in Malaysia and more from the expert, Dr Savitha Dharan, Chief Executive Officer, ALTY Orthopaedic Hospital.

A hospital specifically designed for orthopaedics

ALTY which stands for ‘Adding Life to Years’, is one of Malaysia’s first single-speciality orthopaedic hospitals that serves patients with a full suite of surgical and non-surgical treatments using cutting-edge technology targeted for orthopaedic and musculoskeletal conditions.

Home to 8 renowned orthopaedic surgeons, with a collective experience of more than 50 years in practice, the hospital aims to transform the underpenetrated orthopaedic health care sector in Malaysia.

The hospital has four specialised operating theatres, inpatient facilities including well designed suites and rooms, intensive care unit (ICU) and high dependency unit (HDU), as well as physiotherapy and rehabilitation units.

Backed by a team of surgeons and state-of-the-art ortho-focused tech

Dr Savitha explained that the surgeons are supported by a team of Anaesthetists, Cardiologist, Hand and Microsurgery and other disciplines. To complete the patient care journey, the hospital workforce also consists of qualified and trained nurses, physiotherapists and non-clinical teams that are well versed in caring for their patients in this field which is one of the key benefits of single specialty hospitals.

Why is it important for single-specialty hospitals like ALTY to be established in Malaysia?

According to Dr Savitha, with patients being at the core, the benefits of single-specialty hospitals are mainly:

  • to achieve increased patient satisfaction

  • better patient outcomes

  • more cost-effective treatments

“Being able to focus on orthopaedics for example, allows us to ensure we are providing the best possible options and care for our patients”

“As medical costs continue to rise in Asia, being a cost-effective provider is vital. At single specialty hospitals, we are able to offer our services at competitive prices as we are able to focus on partnerships with specific vendors with consensus between the management team and our doctors. This enables us to negotiate better pricing with consumables and high-quality implants for example, which then allows for value pricing for our patients,” she explained.

Whether its patients who are already at the hospital or the community as a whole, they aim to raise awareness

As a comprehensive orthopaedic hospital, they focus on raising bone health awareness among Malaysians, which has in the past proven to be lacking. Throughout 2022, they have carried out awareness campaigns on Scoliosis, inclusivity on bone health among the disabled sports athletes, osteoporosis and arthritis among others.

In raising awareness on Scoliosis, ALTY started a Posture Screening campaign, in partnership with Caring Pharmacy and Viatris. They provided complimentary posture screenings and on-ground consultations for parents with young children and individuals who were concerned about the possibilities of having mild Scoliosis which often can be managed if diagnosed and addressed at an early stage.

“This year, they are bringing back our Scoliosis awareness campaign, including potentially training school nurses with the necessary skills to screen for Scoliosis among adolescents,” said Dr Savitha.

On top of that, ALTY have also: 

  • carried out community health talks, with a specific focus on bone health covering sports injuries and osteoporosis.

  • raise awareness on back pain and women’s bone health through a series of health talks and on-ground screening activities through their partnership with Viatris.

  • kicked off their very first Bone Health Survey in 2023 to better understand the ongoing awareness level of bone health among Malaysians.

Patients who are looking for treatment receive more than just a healthcare solution to resolve their pain. Within a single-specialty hospital such as ALTY, they provide step by step care inclusive of pre-treatment care, one stop centre for hospital-based visits and post-treatment options.

ALTY have established roles such as spine and joint navigators in house who are individuals that help the patient navigate in their journey, especially pre and post a procedure. This includes preparing the patient for their hospital visits, addressing fears and queries on what to expect, right up to ensuring post discharge needs.

For more information on the medical services provided in ALTY, you can visit their website, Facebook and Instagram.

This content is provided by ALTY Orthopaedic Hospital