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This article is 4 years old

MCO, CMCO, RMCO, EMCO… when will it end? Overcome fatigue in simple steps & win up to RM5,800 worth of prizes!

The outbreak of Covid-19 has radically changed our lives. Our freedom to move about, which we have long taken for granted, was suddenly taken away from us when the government imposed the Movement Control Order (MCO) in March. Toilet paper hoarding, empty bread shelves, trying to buy anything and everything online… it sure was a little crazy till people adjusted. More than eight months and several forms of MCO after, we are still not free to ke sana ke sini or to meet up with whoever we want whenever we want. Work from home, remote learning, social distancing – these have become new norms which sadly will not go away anytime soon.

We miss our office or school life, our parties with friends. We miss our water cooler chats with colleagues, hanging out with friends, travelling, or simply not having to wear a mask all the time! Being in isolation and social distancing can affect us mentally and emotionally, which then drain us of our energy levels.

Some of us find it more difficult to adjust to the new norms than others. For most, adjusting to these changes have caused some degree of fatigue, a term used to describe an overall feeling of tiredness or lack of energy. When we’re fatigued, we have no energy and no motivation.

Work from home (WFH) has become a buzzword. The new arrangement was very much welcomed at the start but employees soon realised that WFH poses its own challenges.

Remote learning is tough when there’s distractions all around.

Staying active, already quite a challenge for many during the best of times, became even more challenging.

Hear what people have to say about their struggles with energy and motivation during this challenging period.

How do we keep our energy and motivation levels up? Nutritionists advocate a healthy and balanced diet. If you are feeling a lack of motivation, fatigue and low, try adding vitamin B supplements, such as Berocca, into your daily diet. Vitamin B helps our body to release energy from the food we eat, keeping us focused and energised – yay, no more fatigue! Berocca contains a unique combination of B vitamins, vitamin C and essential minerals like calcium, magnesium and zinc, giving us a boost in energy to stay energised and focused to better cope with the challenges of the new norm.

To help Malaysians stay energised and focused during these challenging times, Berocca has launched a campaign called Begin with Berocca. Find tips on how to stay energised, and how to work, exercise and learn more effectively on Berocca Malaysia’s Facebook and Instagram.

Malaysiakini is proud to partner with Berocca to help Malaysians combat the challenges of the new norms and we’re giving out RM5,800 worth of prizes. Here's how you can stand chance to win a free Begin with Berocca Pack for your friend. Take part in the contest here.

To find out more about Berocca, do check out Berocca Malaysia’s Facebook page.